Math test

28 10 2008

Today I had a math test I was stumped. I did not know what I was doing I guess that is what I get for not studying but the thing is I always study last night I knew everything that was on the test but when the test hit my desk I almost started to cry. The thing is fraction just is not my thing you can teach it to me then like a week later I would not know how to do it at all. The weird thing is that its only fractions any other subject I would be perfectly fine but no I suck at fraction.

Someone help me.

Trick or treat

27 10 2008

On Sunday I went trick or treating with my best friend Kayla. It started at one and ended at four I was a bumble bee and Kayla was a Hollywood star it was really fun but I did not get a lot of candy witch stink but I had a fun time and I had to pass out candy too I would scare like teenagers like me but not little kids I’m not evil like Julia she enjoys scaring little kids. But any way I had a great time with Kayla and I will most likely go again on Friday.

Pickn’save Trip

20 10 2008

I went to pickn’save with my family project with Julia, Patrick, alec, Jordan and me we walked so far and we learned that we can’t go shopping together the boys like to play around and they also buy stuff that we don’t need and Julia she is such a great helper so for know on when we go shopping its going to be me and Julia.

A haunted corn maze

7 10 2008

This weekend I went to a haunted corn maze with my best friend ciara her aunt and her grandma and grandpa. I  was very scary you have to run and find your way out and if they catch you they bring you back to start I was very hard running and finding my way out. This corn maze was in reacine It was so scary the first time they caught me I fanted but I woke up right away when we left we got to take pictures of the scary people and you know what after you take picture there not scary any more.
